Shawn never excepted a video of himself singing
would cause so much grief...

A song by Adele made Shawn Mendes feel like the worst singer in the world.
Before he became a pop star, Shawn was bullied for his voice and his love for singing and performing.
“ in a way, that made me feel absolutely horrible... made me feel like a

Shawn Mendes learned how to play the guitar all by himself when he was a teenager. His dream was to become a famous musician.
At 16 years old, one of the songs he liked to play the most was by Adele. And, every day, Shawn felt more confident to share his talent with others. That’s when we decided to shoot a cover of “Hometown Glory”.
“ I was just standing in my room, it’s an
acapella version of me singing, I just put the camera up on my dresser and just
started to film myself. And that was I guess how it started.”

“ I've always been really tall and lanky. people
made fun of my skinny legs.”
After uploading his video, Shawn was mocked even
more at school.
“ there was this one hallway every single day I’d a walkthrough, and
there would be a bunch of guys maybe like ‘Are you gonna sing for us, buddy? You can sing for us?’ I remember it being like
the most embarrassing thing ever never understanding why people would think
that it’s fun to make fun of somebody who’s doing something that they love.”
“ they would never let me stop doing what I loved to do just because
someone else thought it was stupid. “

“ I just ignored it as much as I could. Even
thought that’s really hard.”
“ if I let those guys get into my head and you know, they said it’s, you
know, it’s stupid that you’re doing this and I’d believed them, I’d never be
here today in front of you guys.”

“ Sometimes I feel like giving up. But, I just can’t. It isn’t in my blood. “
“ no matter how old you are, no matter who you are, no matter where you
are from... you deserve to follow your heart.“
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